Champion of the Daisy
Champion of the Daisy

Spellbound Katars .25%
Runic Gladium .25%
Twisted Spinner .25%
Atum Khanjar .25%
Seraphic Artifact .25%
Mount: Glowing Blue Dragon .5%
Mount: Glowing Dragon .5%
Mount: Glowing Purple Dragon .5%
Mount: Glowing Red Dragon .5%
Follow-me Symma .5%
Follow-me Scarz .5%
Event Coin (1,2,9) 10%
Class Mastery Stone (2,4,9) 15%
Terrum Armor 20%
Hallowed Armor 100%
Golden Champion of the Daisy
Spellbound Katars, .65 %
Twisted Spinner, .65 %
Runic Gladium, .65 %
Atum Khanjar, .65 %
Seraphic Artifact .65%
All 4 Glowing Mounts, .3%
Both Follow-mes, .3%
Event Coin (x2-5), 10%
CMP Stone (x2-5), 15%
Terrum Armor, 20%
Hallowed Armor, 100%